Below are some of the stuff I’ve created for my companies or for clients.
Yoga products brand. I’ve founded this company in 2019.

Home Office products. I’ve founded this company in 2021.

bonsai / bakery
Frontend for my e-commerce brands – WordPress backend. Used JS and hosted in Cloudflare Workers. In 2024 rewrote to be a BunJS app – and rename to bakery. The goal was a frontend with minimal dependencies.

AppScript Google Sheets
Scripts for automating tasks in e-commerce company Google Sheets.
A BI sqlite database for my e-commerces. And a set of scripts for hourly/daily update the DB and read/write to third party’s API’s (ERP, 3PLs, marketplaces). Made with BunJS.

WordPress Plugin for my e-commerce backend. It changes WooCommerce REST API responses, add Post Types and Custom Fields, add new API endpoints, customize interfaces, and some other stuff.
Food Memory AI
AI meals rating. Backend in Ruby on Rails and frontend is a iOS native swift ui app.
Yoga teachers directory for Brazil, includes Studio and Events.
Arimo Mobile App
App iOS/Android made with Flutter for Arimo Yoga brand. App Store Link.

CLI app with a lot os commands for my e-commerce brands.

PortoFácil Mobile App
App iOS/Android for PortoFácil WordPress Hosting company. Made with Flutter. App Store Link.

CLI app for PortoFácil WordPress hosting company.

in development
Brands get one link for creators to apply for partnerships.
WordPress Hosting
For many years hosting several hight traffic blogs for clients.
WordPress Support at PortoFácil
Sysadmin and support for WordPress.
Landing Page for a Client. Design and Code. Link.
Headless WordPress backend with Typescript API and Nuxt.js frontend. Link.
SAE Educational Platform
An Adaptive Platform for brazilian students. My role was to wireframe and help in the project management. The aim was to deliver video and interactive content based in real time students evaluation, with complete reporting for teachers and school staff.
Questões de Concursos App
Lead the project and help designing it. Initially with an agency. After launch with in-house devs. The app has now more than 1M downloads, and frequently got in Top 2 Google Play Education apps list in Brazil. Link.
Aprova Concursos
SEO Analyst. Grew organic traffic 4x with blog redesign and SEO strategies.
Phased Out Projects
Several Freelancer Jobs
WordPress websites. Nuxt.js. Most unavailable or private.
Website frontend (design and code). Not available anymore.
Online course platform with WordPress and Eduma LMS Plugin with customizations.
Web App to generate short videos for social.
Arteblog and others
Content blogs, 2007-2013.
First WordPress blog, started in 2004, but long gone. Reached 1M+ monthly visitors for some period. Some posts saved from old backups.
Quinari e-commerce
First e-commerce I made, 2004.
First “company” I had, an agency building websites, 2003-2004.